Roy Maynard | WORLD
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Roy Maynard

Roy is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Roy Maynard

Signs of the times

Roy Maynard | California school district fights Ten Commandments sign

Roy Maynard | As "Gay Days" spread to other theme parks, proponents of the Disney boycott are seeing some success in the face of nagging divisions.

Roy Maynard | But in this hospital, faith in God is not left out of the script

Roy Maynard | Lawsuit asks: Are all taxpayers entitled to use public schools?


Roy Maynard | Surveying the damage a half-century of "help" from the welfare system has visited upon a Native American people

Roy Maynard | It's almost September.

Roy Maynard | Prison Fellowship's InnerChange, an in-prison pre-release program in Houston, will be viewed as a grand test case for other faith-based rehabilitation programs

Roy Maynard | Louisiana law makes marriage and divorce more difficult

Roy Maynard | After surprise win, pastor-politician wants to prove himself

Roy Maynard | Texas Supreme Court justice under fire for helping his son out of the homosexual lifestyle