Roy Maynard | WORLD
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Roy Maynard

Roy is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Roy Maynard

Chestertonian wit

The puncturer of modernity is more relevant than ever

Books show extremism in the defense of freedom is no vice

CBA bestseller offers pop-psych and self-help bromides

Roy Maynard | Since Hillary Clinton's White House conference on day care in October, Clinton administration officials have been busily creating the perception of a day-care crisis in America.


Roy Maynard | In Seattle, testing the limits of city anti-discrimination law

Presidential biographies differ on whether character counts

1997's top-selling Christian books, plus dog of the year

Forget the The Postman movie; the book delivers

The film that may have given a Kentucky teen a deadly idea

The cleats just keep dropping for PK's Coach McCartney