Roy Maynard | WORLD
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Roy Maynard

Roy is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Roy Maynard

Books: Where's daddy?

Extremism in defense of honor is no vice, but by the standards of today it is undoubtedly extremism

A new book on the evidence for God's existence forgets that we need to be saved.

Roy Maynard | Two weeks after the Arkansas school shooting, some of the pieces to the puzzle of this story of juvenile crime and small-town gangs are evident; others remain missing

Roy Maynard | Operation Rescue leaders square off against Jerry Falwell, accusing his university bookstore of purveying porn.


The No. 1 nonfiction bestseller in America is about communicating with the dead

Roy Maynard | That's all it took for an attorney general to seek indictment against Barnes & Noble for kiddie porn

Roy Maynard | Under attack in several courtrooms, the BSA is in a struggle to preserve its very identity

Ernie Pyle: a reporter the public could respect

Roy Maynard | Christian islanders resist the imposition of immorality from homosexual-themed Caribbean cruises

Although President Teddy Roosevelt was a rough rider, he was also a tender father