Priya Abraham | WORLD
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Priya Abraham

Priya is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Priya Abraham
Bride and Prejudice

Bride and Prejudice

Gurinder Chadha's film is an entertaining look at modern-day India

Priya Abraham | Kabul's former mayor-and other Afghan women-unveil their agenda for the post-Taliban era

Priya Abraham | Federal subsidies for U.S.

Priya Abraham | Is the high court warming to religious displays by government?


Priya Abraham | An American businessman gets a bird's-eye look at what may be regime change underway in North Korea

Priya Abraham | Waiting for tyranny to exhaust itself, Zimbabweans look next door

Priya Abraham | An extensive chemical testing program shows how far North Korea will go to achieve a WMD arsenal

Priya Abraham | A North-South peace agreement may or may not hold, but a U.S.-Sudanese group is forging one-to-one truces

Priya Abraham | Ukrainians by the hundred thousands turn anger over a fraudulent election into revolution.

Priya Abraham | Religion gets a new name, as the government orders Marxist revival