Priya Abraham | WORLD
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Priya Abraham

Priya is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Priya Abraham

Persian gulf

Priya Abraham | Its ruling clerics may hate America, but Iran's restive population disagrees

Priya Abraham | Uzbek crackdown signals revolutionary change-likely bloody-in the making

Priya Abraham | After a revolution for democracy and the ouster of Syria, Lebanon faces a big vote on how to extend its success

Priya Abraham | Ahead of its first state visit to the United States in 30 years, the former enemy agrees to enforce a new religious-freedom law


Priya Abraham | Saudis arrest 40 Christians but get all-clear from the Bush administration

Priya Abraham | Middle-class protesters broaden the base of Ecuador's discontent

Priya Abraham | AFRICA: With mere nods toward sexual responsibility, condom promoters are receiving AIDS money meant for faith-based work

Priya Abraham | Indonesian islanders who escaped December's disaster are still shaking from spring quakes

Priya Abraham | Revival in Eritrea only increases the probability of persecution

Priya Abraham | U.S.