Les Sillars | WORLD
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Les Sillars

Les Sillars

Les has worked with WORLD News Group since 1999 as a writer, editor, and producer and is now editor-in-chief. He also directs the journalism program at Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Va.

Articles by Les Sillars

Already nasty

With so few races contested, Aug. 23 primaries for General Assembly are heating up

Les Sillars | Crazy U shows how we value college far too much and far too little

The feds gut No Child Left Behind as Virginia reports its schools aren't making the benchmarks

Both sides cite 1965 Voting Rights Act to justify proposed gerrymandering


Virginia's pension system, $17.6 billion underwater, won't fix itself, says Thos.

Les Sillars | Journalists and athletes offer peeks at the lives behind the games

The Fairfax and Falls Church faith community proposes to end homelessness in 10 years

Virginia colleges react to Obama administration's warning on sexual misconduct policies

Spielberg to film Lincoln bio in Virginia, health care hearings, Gov.
