Les Sillars | WORLD
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Les Sillars

Les Sillars

Les has worked with WORLD News Group since 1999 as a writer, editor, and producer and is now editor-in-chief. He also directs the journalism program at Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Va.

Articles by Les Sillars

Kline fires back

Following a blistering motion, five Kansas justices recuse themselves in ethics case

Two prominent gay activist groups sue for same-sex marriage rights in Illinois

An abortionist's records could lead to a new investigation in Kansas of abortion industry practices

Reason was in short supply at the Reason Rally 2012 in D.C., but reasons for compassion were abundant


Les Sillars | Kay Coles James is rebuilding the home and the legacy of Robert Russa Moton

The new Jack Abramoff is repentant, boastful, and challenging of Ralph Reed's forthrightness

Kansas abortion case takes another turn, this time involving key Obama health adviser