Les Sillars | WORLD
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Les Sillars

Les Sillars

Les has worked with WORLD News Group since 1999 as a writer, editor, and producer and is now editor-in-chief. He also directs the journalism program at Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Va.

Articles by Les Sillars

'Blatant discrimination'

Toronto’s public school board slams huge rent hikes on churches mostly unprepared for battle in the public square

Operation Rescue produces documents suggesting the criminal charges against Planned Parenthood in Kansas should not have been dropped

The national battle over homosexual rights is playing out between pro-family and gay activists in cities and towns in America's heartland


A nine-year battle to prosecute a Kansas Planned Parenthood facility comes to an end

Germany ponders more legal recognition of same-sex relationships

Pastor heads to trial for helping ex-lesbian mother and her child flee the United States

Thousands of Americans dine at Chick-fil-A in response to CEO Dan Cathy's comments in favor of traditional marriage

Seven U.S. Olympic athletes hope to excel in London while giving glory to God