Kim Henderson | WORLD
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Kim Henderson

Kim Henderson

Kim is a World Journalism Institute graduate and senior writer for WORLD. During her career as a homeschool mom, she worked as a freelance writer. Kim resides in Mississippi with her family.

Follow Kim Henderson on Twitter @kimhenderson319

Articles by Kim Henderson

Culture shock

Embracing life outside the Amish community brings with it some cultural challenges

Former members of Amish communities in Ohio share their stories

Hometowns and a way of life worth protecting

Kim Henderson | Amish who exit their communities find the cost of discipleship high


Visitors to Philadelphia can become acquainted with the bell that declared liberty

A happy hometown history that shaped a Marine

What’s the right response when loved ones late in life can no longer make wise financial decisions?

Kim Henderson | The financial scamming of America’s elderly has become a big business with seniors losing billions of dollars

The power of a worthy example to propel

No family is immune from scammers intent on fleecing the elderly