Julie Borg | WORLD
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Julie Borg

Julie Borg

Julie is a WORLD contributor who covers science and intelligent design. A clinical psychologist and a World Journalism Institute graduate, Julie resides in Dayton, Ohio.

Articles by Julie Borg
Friend or foe? A Venus flytrap knows

Friend or foe? A Venus flytrap knows

Another amazing plant discovery provides evidence for intelligent design

Slab of footprints has Darwinists scratching their heads

Disease experts worry newly published research will spark the growth of bioterrorism

Scientists find evidence of humans’ uniqueness in creation


How our solar system evidences the design of a creator

New study unintentionally highlights irreducible complexity in nature

Scientific evidence once again disproves Darwin’s theory

Amniotic fluid could offer a bountiful source of ethical stem cells

A new study undermines a key tenet of Darwinian evolution

This year’s top science stories include new discoveries that highlight the hand of God