Edward E. Plowman | WORLD
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Edward E. Plowman

Ed (1931–2018) was a WORLD reporter. Read Marvin Olasky's tribute.

Articles by Edward E. Plowman
Border showdown

Border showdown

Christian leaders split on immigration reform

Conservative congregations prepare to leave the troubled Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Edward E. Plowman | A midnight session narrowly averts a divide between The Episcopal Church and worldwide Anglicans

Worldwide Anglicans, facing split, prepare for key meeting that's all about losing


Edward E. Plowman | Though "quiet and off the record," religious beliefs shaped the former president

Edward E. Plowman | Litigation looms over church property as conservative congregations and dioceses consider leaving mainline denominations

University ministries on elite campuses, this time at Brown, face ouster

Despite conservative challenge, a controversial homosexual megachurch joins mainline denomination

Secret police records reveal that the former president of the Lutheran World Federation was a Communist secret agent

Protests follow Hank Hanegraaff's support for lawsuit against apologists