Carolina Lumetta | WORLD
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Carolina Lumetta

Carolina Lumetta

Carolina is a WORLD reporter and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and Wheaton College. She resides in Washington, D.C.

Follow Carolina Lumetta on Twitter @CarolinaLumetta

Articles by Carolina Lumetta
House resists pressure to pass Ukraine aid

House resists pressure to pass Ukraine aid

Lawmakers debate whether funding the war is an expense or an investment

The Senate passes a foreign aid bill without including border security amendments

Justices grilled attorneys but avoided discussions of Jan. 6

Plus, a bipartisan tax bill provides temporary wins but sets up a big battle in 2025


A feud between the state and the GOP results in a caucus and a primary this month

Sen. Pete Ricketts of Nebraska talks about border reform, appropriations, and Republican disunity

Concerns over America’s future are driving evangelical support for the former president

Plus, Congress passes another short-term spending bill

The former president has a commanding lead as the campaign heads to Nikki Haley’s home state

Trump’s only remaining challenger has slim odds of winning the nomination