Andrew is the managing editor of WORLD Opinions and serves as associate professor of Christian ethics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also a fellow with The Ethics and Public Policy Center. He resides with his family in Louisville, Ky.
Andrew T. Walker | Rob Reiner’s God & Country is the hit piece you expected it to be
Andrew T. Walker | Super Bowl ad frames evangelism leftward, leaving out low-status sinners on the right
Andrew T. Walker | Evangelicals must be able to see through the fog of election season
Andrew T. Walker | Or, how to pre-order my forthcoming book on the existential threat of dangerous, power-hungry, un-American, idolatrous progressive Christian and atheist nationalism
Andrew T. Walker | The reaction to Claudine Gay’s resignation shows a big shift in attitudes toward wokeism
Andrew T. Walker | Separating doctrine from ethics is the pathway to theological liberalism
Andrew T. Walker | Religious freedom is no blank check for the celebration of evil
BOOKS | Probing the original meaning of the First Amendment
Andrew T. Walker | A political campaign turns ugly in Kentucky
No, despite the left’s “despicable” response to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson