Andrew T. Walker | WORLD
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Andrew T. Walker

Andrew T. Walker

Andrew is the managing editor of WORLD Opinions and serves as associate professor of Christian ethics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also a fellow with The Ethics and Public Policy Center. He resides with his family in Louisville, Ky.

Articles by Andrew T. Walker
Yet another champion for “cultural Christianity”

Yet another champion for “cultural Christianity”

Andrew T. Walker | Elon Musk and others begin to recognize the only antidote to a destructive progressivism

Andrew T. Walker | Big lessons from Milwaukee and the Republican National Convention

Andrew T. Walker | No amount of social media scrolling can make sense of a morally fraught national trial

Andrew T. Walker | Sens. Vance and Rubio betray their strong pro-life record to get the attention of Trump


Andrew T. Walker | The Biden administration’s character is revealed in its work to erase age limits for “gender-affirming care”

Proponents of homosexuality sacrifice biology for ideology

Andrew T. Walker | “Homosexuality” is a construct that denies people’s humanity

Andrew T. Walker | Christian ethical standards are timeless, objective, and are to be applied without fear or favor

Andrew T. Walker | Twenty years later, you still cannot redefine marriage

Andrew T. Walker | When America’s most elite credentialing institutions have fallen, a bleak future is on the horizon