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Summer reading

Peter and Barb Irvine/Syracuse, N.Y.

June 25:  As longtime WORLD subscribers, we always look forward to the summer reading issue. It’s a terrific resource. In 2019, more than 75 books were covered or discussed. Imagine our disappointment when receiving the 2022 version: seven books and, well, seven books.

Pointing to a different hero

Robert Garrett/Louisville, Ky.

June 25: By what authority does Frank Turek say that the story of the Good Samaritan is not true? Jesus said a “certain Samaritan,” not an imaginary one. To depend on secular history to confirm the Bible is to depend on a broken reed.

A most inconsistent Founder

Bill Whitfield/Powell, Tenn.

June 25: As I read Collin Garbarino’s review of Thomas Jefferson: A Biography of Spirit and Flesh, I was reminded of what Scripture says about men and women being used by God. “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). I’m glad He doesn’t wait until statesmen, writers, inventors, or religious leaders are perfect before He uses them.

Fleecing the vulnerable

Gillett Doggett/Lake Havasu City, Ariz.

June 25: Kim Henderson’s article should be read by all. We need nationwide events before large audiences where someone can give the practical warnings Kim presented so well, arming us all with information that can guard us against these attacks.

Michelle Ule/Sonoma County, Calif.

Kim Henderson’s article was insightful. A good follow-up would include suggestions for children trying to help their parents while preserving their sense of autonomy.

Alive in Negative World

Denis Parsley/Flandreau, S.D.

June 25: I needed to be reminded of Janie B. Cheaney’s reference to “the way my pro- and anti-Trump Christian friends talk about each other.” While the times can be discouraging, we need to remember that God is still infinitely bigger than any problems we hear about.

Robert E. Heckmann/Canton, S.D.

I must respectfully take issue with Janie B. Cheaney’s comments about President Donald Trump. It is because there is mostly no “respectful disagreement” from the left that he feels the need to be bombastic and confrontational. If the left showed respect and goodwill, civility and productive engagement would be much more doable and rewarding.

Micro schools, major goals

Rebecca Burrow/Temple, Texas

June 25: Joel Belz says the homeschool movement “carries an inherent whisper of elitism.” There is no educational system that is as anti-elitist as homeschooling, which has as many flavors as families and is more flexible to their needs than any other, as well as being within monetary reach of anyone.

A covenant kept

Charles Seamans/Cedar Rapids, Iowa

June 25: I really enjoyed Kim Henderson’s column. My wife and I are coming up on 65 years of marriage.

Answering strategic questions

Robin Purvis/Portland, Ore.

June 25: Thank you for your commitment to keeping the print edition of WORLD. There’s something nice about going out to the porch with a cup of coffee and a magazine—no screens in sight! I hope you’ll keep the magazine for many years to come.

Karen Sullivan/Hood River, Ore.

I force myself to read each issue from cover to cover, which makes me put down my phone and stop scrolling. Your magazine also enabled me to focus on books once again, which prior to smartphones had been one of my favorite pastimes. I am so grateful to WORLD for inadvertently helping me to regain the gift of books in my life.


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