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Google accidentally showed its cards

Google accidentally showed its cards

Ericka Andersen | Gemini leans left, and it isn’t a bit subtle

Brad Littlejohn | We must be more than passive consumers of information in an AI world

Hunter Baker | New technology and deconstructive schools may lead to a manipulated and frustrated populace

Ted Kluck | A movie set in 1971 helps us understand what technology has taken from us


Proposed breeding center aims to ease U.S. shortage of research monkeys

Ericka Andersen | Digital romance isn’t a real relationship

Brad Littlejohn | If we merge humans with machines, the result will be less than human

TECHNOLOGY | The New York Times picks a fight with AI

Generative AI tools make strides in content creation but still fail to match human common sense

TECHNOLOGY | Meta says it trains AI with users’ social media posts