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Cooking up a heat wave

Cooking up a heat wave

Timothy Lamer | 'Climategate' scandal reveals alarming tactics of influential climate scientists

Daniel James Devine | Hopes grow cold for a landmark climate treaty at Copenhagen

As Americans trend more conservative, they have become more skeptical of the threat of global warming

Alisa Harris | Climate change becomes the latest excuse to push population control


Religious progressives look to help poor nations adapt to climate change, a plan others call ineffective and costly

President Obama leads off a busy week at the UN with an address on climate change

An expert panel testifying on climate change tried to answer Sen.

Emily Belz | Where most people simply see trash, some see renewable energy-or even dinner

As a planned follow-up to the failed Kyoto Protocol, next December's climate summit in Denmark appears to be a non-starter

Democrats and Republicans chew over Obama's controversial proposal to charge businesses for carbon emissions.