Environment | WORLD
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Conservatives and liberals alike pan the president's plan to combat the Gulf Coast oil spill

The Obama administration's moratorium on deepwater drilling could affect thousands of jobs

President Obama uses the oil spill calamity to push for a climate change bill

Executives from the companies involved in the Gulf oil spill blame each other before Congress


Jamie Dean | With Katrina still a recent memory, Gulf Coast communities find the backbone of their economies threatened by BP's ongoing oil spill

Megan Basham | Americans are still willing to buy environmentally friendly products, but only if they're friendly to the wallet as well

Daniel James Devine | Climate-gate, IPCC errors prompt a reconsideration of global warming policy

A cold snap in late December and early January puts much of the world-and global warmists-on ice

President Obama needs more than words to rally the world to follow his lead on climate change

UN climate change conference generates mixed feelings as attendees await the arrival of President Obama