Will 2010 bring realism or more political romance?
Edward Lee Pitts | Decisive Republican gains in off-year elections spell work for Democrats to win back 'change' voters
Emily Belz | Low turnout among African-Americans and defections by prominent black leaders hurt Democrat Creigh Deeds in Virginia
Jamie Dean | Democrats and Republicans in Kinston, N.C., plan their next move against a federal veto of nonpartisan elections
Alisa Harris | Conservative insurgency comes up short in New York's 23rd House District
Edward Lee Pitts | Off-year elections in Virginia and New Jersey test the potential for GOP revival in 2010
Alisa Harris | By digging for internet data on the electorate, young GOP candidates seek a needed advantage
Letters from our readers
Jamie Dean | The end of a two-year campaign and the election of the nation's first African-American president marks for Democrats a historic milestone and for Republicans a time to begin again.