Healthcare reform delayed as President Obama's rhetoric fails to match legislative reality
A concealed weapons carry amendment falls just two votes short in the Senate
In a late-night vote, Senate Democrats add an expansive hate-crimes amendment to a key defense-spending bill
Edward Lee Pitts | But conservative Sen.
Senators, including one new one, return from the Fourth of July break ready to ignite their own legislative fireworks
Democrats narrowly pass a landmark energy reform bill Friday, despite Republicans staunchly opposing it
Democrats, comfortable in their majority status, push forward while Republicans try to slow down the health care and Sotomayor trains
The Senate joins the House in stripping out the $80 million requested by President Obama to close down Guantanamo Bay
The first Senate hearing on the enhanced interrogation memos produces differing accounts
The House and Senate pass a budget that relies on heavy borrowing and opens the door for massive health care reform