Congress | WORLD
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A mandate to fight

Conservative Republicans on Capitol Hill say they won’t back down in the fight against the president’s plan to increase taxes

Conservative lawmakers vow to block an international disabilities treaty that could affect U.S. sovereignty, homeschooling, and the promotion of abortion

Much work is left undone on Capitol Hill as lawmakers switch to campaign mode as they try to retain their jobs

Since the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” chaplains have come under fire while some lawmakers are ready to move on


Time is running out for lawmakers on Capitol Hill to resolve issues with long-term implications

Some conservative leaders warn of U.S. sovereignty issues related to UN disabilities treaty

House report says Countrywide won influence in Congress with discounts

Eric Holder becomes the first sitting Cabinet member to be cited for contempt of Congress

House committee holds Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for withholding Fast and Furious documents