Christiana Kiefer | Anti–social media and the ‘trans-ing’ of America’s girls
Calvin Robinson | A notorious transgender teacher in Canada needs help, not affirmation—and certainly not access to children
Although marriage has been redefined by culture, the reality of sex, marriage, and babies still exists
Allie Beth Stuckey | Vanderbilt’s transgender push shows the danger of gender ideology
Carl R. Trueman | Brittany Aldean’s take on transgenderism was inept, but she spoke more truthfully than her opponents
Celebrities to politicians are peddling misinformation about abortion
A circuit court ruling supports bans on speech in eight states
Allie Beth Stuckey | The genital mutilation of children, and doctors’ defense of it, should be a bigger scandal
Joseph Backholm | Adam Schiff’s “infertility” bill focuses on adult desires at the expense of children