Pro-Life | WORLD
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State lawmakers plan special sessions on abortion

Legislators could quickly pass laws in response to an expected Supreme Court ruling

The White House’s options for counteracting a possible overturn of Roe v. Wade are creative, if limited

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Welcome to the brave new world of “pregnant people”

Daniel R. Suhr | A radical group promises “increasingly extreme tactics” beyond arson and vandalism


Ericka Andersen | New guidelines for a Down syndrome diagnosis set a model to follow

The suspension of a troubled Pensacola, Fla., abortion facility came only after two clients nearly died

Erin Hawley | The free exercise of religion does not justify Roe v. Wade

Hunter Baker | Perversely praising the death of the unborn

Kristen Waggoner | Believers have an opportunity and an obligation to defend First Amendment rights