Marriage | WORLD
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Senate to vote on marriage act next week

The bill that would change the definition of marriage at the federal level

Andrew T. Walker | The fight for marriage calls for endurance beyond politics

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | This is how conservatism dies, and this is how marriage is surrendered

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | And it’s not just marriage at stake, but religious freedom as well


President Biden’s decision to deport Venezuelans isn’t likely to help

Abigail Dodds | The renewal of the family as a call for a new Reformation

Although marriage has been redefined by culture, the reality of sex, marriage, and babies still exists

Emma Waters | “Respect for Marriage Act” is the next step in a long campaign to redefine marriage

Joseph Backholm | Adam Schiff’s “infertility” bill focuses on adult desires at the expense of children

With midterms around the corner, issues like abortion and same-sex marriage are getting the spotlight