Plaintiffs in California's Proposition 8 case try to prove religious bigotry motivates opposition to same-sex marriage
Pressed for a vote before the new governor takes office, the New Jersey state Senate votes down gay marriage
Traditional marriage advocates declare the New Jersey Senate's decision a victory
Jamie Dean | The word from activists against gay marriage: If the battle hasn't come to your state it will; be ready to work hard and be weary
The New York state Senate rejects same-sex marriage in a 38-24 vote
Catholics threaten social services cuts if religious protections aren't added to D.C.
Voters repeal the state legislature's legalization of gay marriage, while Washington, D.C., deals with the same debate
As Washington, D.C., takes its first step toward legalizing gay marriage, opponents see little chance of stopping it
Emily Belz | Demographic and cultural changes in the capital mean an uphill battle for traditional marriage advocates
After lengthy deliberations over religious liberty, New Hampshire becomes the sixth state to allow same-sex marriage