Marriage | WORLD
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Law firm drops case defending the Defense of Marriage Act, but one of its partners resigns to continue as counsel

Megan Basham | Chick-fil-A faces sustained campaign from gay activists and campus groups over pro-marriage statements

President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder declare the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional


A federal judge determines that California's voted upon gay marriage ban is unconstitutional

Alisa Harris | As New York completes the no-fault divorce revolution, both conservatives and feminists voice concerns about the effects on women, children, and the institution of marriage

Two normally opposed organizations join forces to fight no-fault divorce in New York

A California judge hears closing arguments in a same-sex marriage case that could wind up before the U.S.

Marvin Olasky | An economist looks at a world without husbands and wives

Same-sex marriage in Washington means groups like Catholic Charities have to change their work and policies