Edward E. Plowman | A midnight session narrowly averts a divide between The Episcopal Church and worldwide Anglicans
Worldwide Anglicans, facing split, prepare for key meeting that's all about losing
Jill Nelson | Ex-terrorist faces deportation for "hate crimes" against Islam
Mindy Belz | Beaten, chased, tried, convicted, and released, pastor Daniel Scot can't stop speaking out about Islam
The Bush administration is reviewing its Iraq policy in 2007, but a longer-range dilemma looms: Are problems in American culture making the international war on terror harder to win?
Enemy at Home author Dinesh D'Souza and WORLD's Marvin Olasky, author of The Religions Next Door, debate how far Muslims and Christians can go to form alliances
Edward E. Plowman | Litigation looms over church property as conservative congregations and dioceses consider leaving mainline denominations
Mark Bergin | Ted Haggard and the church he no longer pastors work to recover after scandal
University ministries on elite campuses, this time at Brown, face ouster
Despite conservative challenge, a controversial homosexual megachurch joins mainline denomination