Other Religions | WORLD
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Is there a backstop to the moral revolution?

Carl R. Trueman | Events from Iowa to Virginia suggest hard choices ahead for the rising generation of Christians

Lael Weinberger | What is Hanukkah, and why should Christians care about it?

Miles Smith | Progressives forget the slogan “never again” for the Uyghur genocide and the left’s anti-Semitism


Ericka Andersen | Young environmentalists fall into a despair common in works-based religious systems

Jordan J. Ballor | Another look at Abraham Kuyper and the clash between Christianity and Modernism

A perverse generation is smitten with the devil

Ericka Andersen | The festival shows the spiritual yearnings of the supposedly secular

Andrew T. Walker | You are an image bearer, not an instinct factory

Mark Tooley | The Orthodox Church’s ties to the Russian state undermine the gospel