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Hope and help for the poor

Hope and help for the poor

Marvin Olasky | Our ninth annual Hope Award coverage begins with a trip to poor areas of Central America

Administer Justice of Illinois is the 2013 winner of the Hope Award for Effective Compassion


Jamie Dean | International winner: HOPE International’s effort to help Haitians learn to save money looks beyond financial returns

Kira Clark | South Regional runner-up: Women on their way to drug rehab can begin the healing process at Solus Christus

Susan Olasky, Rachel Cooper | South Regional winner: Beltline gives kids a chance to earn a bike and learn a work ethic

Emily Belz | East Regional runner-up: Hundreds of volunteers bring the gospel to prisons, nursing homes, homeless men, and others with Active Compassion Through Service

Emily Belz | East Regional winner: Hope Christian Center offers discipleship—not rehab—for the homeless and drug-addicted