Sophia Lee | With federal agencies overwhelmed, churches at the border are stepping up to help with a flood of traumatized migrants (This is the first story in a series.)
A visit with a New Mexico church sheltering asylum-seekers put a spring in my step
Marvin Olasky | 2019 Hope Awards International winner 20schemes | How a Scottish ministry works in hard places to show the poor and addicted the riches of new life in Christ
Charissa Koh | 2019 Hope Awards Southwest winner Little Light Christian School | This Christian school’s mission is to love the children of prisoners—but traumatic backgrounds make the work a marathon of trusting God
Charissa Koh | 2019 Hope Awards Southeast winner Scarlet Hope | Rachelle Starr and her friends help women emerge from the sex industry
Marvin Olasky | The 2019 Hope Awards: Make contact, avoid beanballs
A big prize for a doctor who lived through Ebola, and honor for a genocide survivor
World Vision’s link to a terror-sponsoring Islamic charity shows the need for transparency in a season of giving
From abandonment to abuse to assault to prison to evangelism
On ‘Giving Tuesday’ in not-so-generous New York, Mormons try to raise money for groups like Catholic Charities via vending machine