Vouchers/Choice | WORLD
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Needed: Parents with the courage to confront the progressive tide

Needed: Parents with the courage to confront the progressive tide

Barton J. Gingerich | It starts with the school question

Enrollment grew by 7 percent during the 2020-2021 school year

Parents need the power to break the government’s stranglehold on schooling

Tax-supported scholarship programs are about supporting parents and students, not schools


Marvin Olasky | State constitutional roadblocks to school choice grew out of anti-Catholic hostility and the myth of educational neutrality

New survey shows moms and dads want more from school than the three R’s

Trump administration proposes $1 billion to advance vouchers, parental control

State lawmakers vote overwhelmingly to block any effort to use tax money for private schools

An education battle in Texas could play out across the country

Taxpayer-funded education savings accounts are constitutional but lawmakers must find new funding source