Myrna Brown | Q&A with Delano Squires: The case for a new civil rights movement
Thaddeus Williams | We must resist the doublethink and newspeak of our day
Sharon Dierberger | One man’s quest to destroy false narratives and restore the black community to foundational truths
Carl R. Trueman | Why aren’t pundits who bashed evangelicals as racists more vocal about rampant anti-Semitism on the left?
Erick Erickson | The president’s weak statements on the left’s anti-Semitism are a failure of leadership
MOVIE | Latino boys in 1950s Texas learn to “play the ball where it lies”
Thaddeus Williams | The University of Florida jettisons its DEI office—and more of us should, too
DEI has become a supreme value in U.S. culture and an idolatrous end in itself
TRENDING | What does the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. mean for discussions of race today?