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“But do this with gentleness and respect”

“But do this with gentleness and respect”

Micah Watson | Christians must practice the art of civic hospitality in the 2024 election—and beyond

A troubling case in Britain underscores the bureaucratic evil of “futile” care

Daniel R. Suhr | Laphonza Butler’s appointment and the implications for 2024

Heather Rice-Minus, Timothy Head | Amid political rhetoric, Christians must lead with conviction in debates about justice


California Gov. Gavin Newsom will appoint Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s replacement as campaign heats up

Denny Burk | Reasserting a transgender falsehood does not make it so

Daniel Darling | The statesman and senator from Utah shifted many positions in a decadeslong political career

Seven Republican presidential candidates attend the second GOP debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

The candidates traded punches while former President Donald Trump campaigned in Detroit