Trump, Biden accept CNN’s invitation to summer debate | WORLD
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Trump, Biden accept CNN’s invitation to summer debate

Then-President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden during final 2020 presidential debate Associated Press/Photo by Patrick Semansky

Trump, Biden accept CNN’s invitation to summer debate

The pair is scheduled to face off in a live broadcast debate from Atlanta, Ga., on June 27, CNN said. To ensure candidates may maximize the time allotted in the debate, no audience will be present, the release added. Hours before that announcement was made, U.S. President Joe Biden released a video challenging former President Donald Trump to a debate. “Make my day, pal,” Biden said. Trump accepted the challenge and responded, “Let’s get ready to Rumble!” 

Biden’s challenge came the same day his campaign announced that the president would not participate in debates hosted by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates. Instead, the campaign wrote, Biden plans to participate in debates hosted by news organizations.

Dig deeper: From the WORLD archives, read Kyle Ziemnick’s report on Biden and Trump’s final presidential debate before the 2020 election.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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