Sound journalism, grounded in facts and Biblical truth | WORLD
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Decreasing abortion demand

Marvin Olasky | Roe v. Wade | 1973-2022: Rudolph Holmes and the problems of enforcement

Marvin Olasky | Roe v. Wade | 1973-2022: What our pro-life predecessors can teach us about standing against abortion

Words betray the truth

After pro-lifers discover links between the school and Planned Parenthood, some students call for clarity from the administration


Katelyn Walls Shelton | The questionable ethics of prenatal genetic testing

Ericka Andersen | Spread the word: Safe haven laws save lives

Lots of news stories pointed to chaos in 2021, but 2022 is no time to despair

Despite losses at the national and international levels, victories in the states and the courts have U.S. pro-lifers hopeful for the futures of the unborn

Barton J. Gingerich | An underlying worldview connects an ancient slaughter to modern times

Samuel D. James | Answering the “progressive evangelicals” on Roe v. Wade