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Lynn Vincent | The Supreme Court's ruling on partial-birth abortion-and especially its clear description of the horrifying procedure-may give momentum to pro-life legislation across the country

Lynn Vincent | Does abortion negatively affect women?

Jamie Dean | South Carolina lawmakers hope an ultrasound law will persuade women to choose life

Priya Abraham | At the United Nations, resident thorn-in-the-flesh Austin Ruse makes enemies by promoting pro-life values


Lynn Vincent | State lawmakers roll back the Roe v.

Lynn Vincent | After body is discovered, police and legislators line up to prosecute for murder Florida abortion clinic personnel

Lynn Vincent | High court victory lifts "racketeer" label from veteran pro-lifer

South Dakota Gov.

Lynn Vincent | It may be too soon for pro-life optimism, but a number of measures to stop or limit abortion are developing across the nation

Lynn Vincent | New evidence suggests that some clinics are violating federal law by killing children who survive abortions