Brian T. Johnson | The charges against abortionist George Tiller are narrow, but the effects of any verdict could be sweeping
A Kansas jury votes to acquit abortionist George Tiller on all 19 counts against him
Lynn Vincent | Venture with Chinese firm raises questions about Minnesota company's core values
A bipartisan group of lawmakers appeal to the Democratic leadership to keep pro-life provisions in future spending bills
Emily Belz | Young pro-lifers showed up in large numbers at the annual March for Life
Brian T. Johnson | At a hearing in Kansas, late-term abortionist George Tiller attempts to put the trial against him on trial
Both pro-life and pro-abortion groups react to President Obama's reversal of the executive order known as the Mexico City Policy
Tens of thousands of abortion opponents rallied Thursday in Washington to mark the 36th anniversary of Roe v.
Alisa Harris | Group that fights breast cancer maintains troubling ties to Planned Parenthood
Russ Pulliam | Election returns cannot keep down the pro-life movement