What’s next for Kavanaugh | WORLD
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What’s next for Kavanaugh

Chief Justice John Roberts (right) administers the constitutional oath to Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday. Kavanaugh’s wife, Ashley, holds the Bible while their daughters Margaret (left) and Liza watch. Associated Press/Photo by Fred Schilling/Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States

What’s next for Kavanaugh

WASHINGTON—After a private swearing-in ceremony Saturday night, Justice Brett Kavanaugh will take his seat on the U.S. Supreme Court in time to hear oral arguments Tuesday. This week, the court is scheduled to hear four cases: three criminal appeals and one about product liability. President Donald Trump will preside over a public swearing-in ceremony for Kavanaugh on Monday night at the White House. The Senate confirmed the president’s nominee Saturday by a vote of 50-48.

Kavanaugh is the first Supreme Court justice to hire a team of all-female clerks. At his confirmation hearing, Kavanaugh emphasized he has hired a majority of women clerks during his 12 years as a federal judge in an effort to try to level the gender disparity in the legal profession.

Some Democratic lawmakers promised that if they win majorities in the House and Senate in November’s midterm elections, they will reopen investigations into Kavanaugh and possibly try to impeach him. Impeachment requires a majority House vote, a Senate trial, and a supermajority Senate vote to convict and remove. Democrats need to win 23 seats from Republicans to take control of the House and two seats to gain a simple majority in the Senate.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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