Web Reads: Giant guinea pigs make the best lounge chairs | WORLD
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Web Reads: Giant guinea pigs make the best lounge chairs

A capybara carries a squirrel monkey on its back. Associated Press/Photo by Tobu Zoo, HO

Web Reads: Giant guinea pigs make the best lounge chairs

Lounging. Capybaras are basically huge guinea pigs. Apparently, other animals like to sit on their backs. Here’s a website that collects photos of birds, monkeys, and other critters using capybaras as their own personal lounge chairs. Famous New Yorker cartoonist and children’s book writer Bill Peet featured a capybara in his illustrated memoir Capyboppy.

Enough? Kathy and Scott Rosenow have built a large family through adoption. Most of their children have severe disabilities. As they embark on their 17th adoption (21 total children), Kathy Rosenow ponders the question, When is enough?

Virtual art. The Internet has opened up art museums to anyone with a good connection. Open Culture has compiled a list of museums with digitized collections. Two significant ones include the Rijksmuseum with its Dutch art, and the National Gallery.

Poverty myths. In 2012, the Gates Foundation gave away $1.9 billion, much of it aimed at eradicating extreme poverty. In their 2014 Annual Letter, Bill and Melinda Gates dissect “three myths” they say stand in the way of that objective. The letter is striking for its materialist assumptions—there’s no mention at all of world view—and its optimism.

Susan Olasky

Susan is a former WORLD book reviewer, story coach, feature writer, and editor. She has authored eight historical novels for children and resides with her husband, Marvin, in Austin, Texas.


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