VP Harris supports Trump accountability, speaks to Biden’s… | WORLD
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VP Harris supports Trump accountability, speaks to Biden’s clarity

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris interviewing at the ASEAN summit in Indonesia Associated Press/Photo by Dita Alangkara

VP Harris supports Trump accountability, speaks to Biden’s clarity

Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday said former President Donald Trump will get his day in court during an interview at an economic summit of Southeast Asian leaders in Jakarta, Indonesia. When asked about the 2020 election, the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, and the former president’s indictments, she said all people should be held accountable under the law. She emphasized the importance of fair trials, saying evidence and facts should direct the legal process.

What else did she discuss? Harris also was asked about public concern over President Joe Biden’s age and she affirmed his mental clarity to continue serving as president. She said every day she witnesses the 80-year-old “weave through complex issues” like none other. Harris described him as “an extraordinary leader” who has accomplishments of which unnamed previous presidents only “hoped and dreamed and promised.” She said she is ready to step into the role of president, but “Joe Biden’s going to be fine.”

Dig deeper: Read Leo Briceno’s report in WORLD Magazine on how the indictments may affect Trump’s 2024 election bid.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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