Vance recalls humble upbringing in RNC speech | WORLD
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Vance recalls humble upbringing in RNC speech

Vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance speaks Wednesday at the Republican National Convention. Associated Press/Photo by Evan Vucci

Vance recalls humble upbringing in RNC speech

MILWAUKEE—The senator from Ohio cast himself as a vice president who can represent the middle and lower classes, especially in the Midwest. To an unusually quiet convention floor, Vance recalled struggling to make it through college and growing up with his grandparents while his mother struggled with addiction. He contrasted his life stages with President Joe Biden’s long political record, arguing that Democratic policies have hurt middle-class Americans. Vance’s mother and his wife sat in the row with former President Donald Trump. Vance said from the stage that his mother is nearly 10 years sober and offered an anniversary party in the White House.

What policies did Vance discuss? While he focused mostly on his biography, Vance followed a common convention theme this year in saying that the nation needs to return to an earlier time of economic prosperity. He also called for immigration reform and He called the GOP the “big tent party” that is welcoming dissatisfied, everyday Americans.

Who were the other speakers on Wednesday? Trump’s eldest granddaughter Kai, the daughter of Donald Trump, Jr., spoke in the evening, calling her grandfather a kind man who called her up to chat about her golf swing. The theme for the day was strength, mostly through border security and foreign policy. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott defended his actions to bus illegal immigrants to Democratic-run cities and Texas ranchers complained of home break-ins and border crossers trespassing on their land. North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum said Trump would reverse Biden’s climate policies and expand oil drilling. The family members of service members killed during the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal attacked Biden for never saying their loved ones’ names. The parents and family said each one, and the crowd repeated in unison.

Dig deeper: Listen to my report from the convention floor on The World and Everything in It podcast.

Carolina Lumetta

Carolina is a WORLD reporter and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute and Wheaton College. She resides in Washington, D.C.


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