Utah school district returns Bible to shelves | WORLD
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Utah school district returns Bible to shelves

The Bible is read aloud at the Utah Capitol. Associated Press/Photo by Steve Griffin/The Salt Lake Tribune

Utah school district returns Bible to shelves

Officials from the Davis School District north of Salt Lake City decided Tuesday that the Bible is age-appropriate for all district libraries. In December, an anonymous person requested the book be reviewed. A review committee—made up mostly of parents—determined the Bible was not age-appropriate and banned it last month. Soon after, 70 people filed appeals, and the school board voted unanimously to return it to libraries. The Bible’s value as a literary work outweighs any “violence” or “profanity” it may contain, Davis School District Board Vice President Brigit Gerrard said.

What allowed them to ban the Bible in the first place? Utah passed a “sensitive materials” law last year that allows residents to challenge what’s available in schools and libraries. Several states have enacted laws that expand parents’ rights to challenge materials—typically those about race, gender, and sexuality. 

Dig deeper: Listen to Kelsey Reed and Jonathan Boes’ report on the Concurrently podcast exploring the buzz around banned and challenged books.

Mary Muncy

Mary Muncy is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. She graduated from World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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