United Methodist Church court to rule on denominational exit… | WORLD
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United Methodist Church court to rule on denominational exit process

Convention goer wearing a button supporting LGBTQ clergy at the 2024 United Methodist Church General Conference Associated Press/Photo by Chris Carlson

United Methodist Church court to rule on denominational exit process

The United Methodist Church’s Judicial Council convened Wednesday for its biannual meeting to decide the process and policy around churches leaving the denomination. Over 7,500 U.S.-based congregations left the UMC over a five-year period due to disagreements over the church’s policies on homosexuality. The council will consider and rule on nearly a dozen church issues while meeting in Los Angeles through Saturday.

If the mass spike started years ago, why is the protocol being decided now? Leaders expect the exodus to continue after several controversial pro-LGBTQ changes were made to the denomination’s Book of Discipline at the General Conference held in May. International delegates approved the ordination of openly homosexual clergy by a vote of 93 percent. Representatives also voted to redefine marriage, simply describing the sacrament as a union between two people of faith rather than exclusively between a man and a woman. Delegates also voted to remove church code declaring the practice of homosexuality as incompatible with Christian teaching.

If exit protocol isn't established, how have churches been able to leave? Leaders added a temporary section to the church’s Book of Discipline during a 2019 special session allowing churches to leave over LGBTQ issues. The section technically expired in 2023, but churches continue to use it as guidance when cutting ties with the UMC.

What is the UMC Judicial Council? General Conference delegates elect four clergy and five church members every eight years to serve on the UMC Judicial Council, according to the church. The council elects its own president and other officers who serve four-year terms.

Dig deeper: Read my report for more details on other measures delegates approved during the May conference.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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