UN General Assembly votes to support membership for a… | WORLD
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UN General Assembly votes to support membership for a Palestinian state

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addresses the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 23, 2022, at the U.N. headquarters. The Associated Press/Photo by Julia Nikhinson, File

UN General Assembly votes to support membership for a Palestinian state

The motion passed overwhelmingly on Friday with support from 143 countries. The United States, Israel, and seven other countries were the only votes against it, although 25 countries abstained from voting.

Riyad Mansour, who has held the job of permanent observer at the UN for the observer state of Palestine, argued before the ballot that a vote for Palestinian existence was not a vote against any other state.

What did the U.S. and Israel have to say against the resolution? After voting against the resolution, U.S. Ambassador Robert Wood said that the United States continues to support the idea of Palestinian statehood. But he said it could only result from direct negotiations with Israel’s democratic Jewish government.

Gild Erdan, Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN, said the UN was formed to ensure Nazi-like tyranny never rose again. But today, it was welcoming a terror state to its ranks, he said.

What does this vote change? According to the UN, the vote would seat Palestine among UN members. Palestine would be allowed to make statements on behalf of a group and submit proposals or amendments. However, Palestine will still not be able to vote or be eligible for membership in the Security Council. The status changes will take effect for the UN Assembly’s new session, which opens Sept. 10.

Stephen Kloosterman

Stephen Kloosterman is the breaking news editor for WORLD. He is a graduate of Dordt University and the World Journalism Institute.


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