UK police ready lockups for rioters angered by stabbings | WORLD
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UK police ready lockups for rioters angered by stabbings

A car burning amid protest in Middlesbrough, England PA via Associated Press/Photo by Owen Humphreys

UK police ready lockups for rioters angered by stabbings

The UK government found about 560 extra prison spots to accommodate a spike in arrests as riots continue around the country, Justice Minister Heidi Alexander said Tuesday. Widespread unrest broke out last week after three young girls were stabbed to death at a dance school on July 29. The government also assembled what Prime Minister Keir Starmer called a standing army of law enforcement officers to deal with protesters. Hundreds of protesters had been arrested from violent protests over a week’s time, Starmer said. The prime minister added that content posted by online users will be subject to laws on threats and hate speech. Countries like India and Nigeria went so far as to warn citizens to stay vigilant while traveling in the United Kingdom.

What about the stabbing sparked protest? Seventeen-year-old Axel Rudakubana allegedly stabbed 11 children and two adults at a dance school in Southport, England, just north of Liverpool. Three children died from the attack and six other children were hospitalized with critical injuries.

Is there any confusion contributing to the anger? Authorities did not immediately name the minor suspect after the attack. Some social media users erroneously identified the attacker as “Ali al-Shakati” who they labeled as a Muslim refugee who arrived in England last year. A suspect name circulating on social media is incorrect, authorities said in a release. The court on Thursday identified Rudakubana as the suspect and said he was a British citizen, but anti-immigration protests and demonstrations against Islam continued. Protesters smashed windows and lit fires in protest while clashing with police and counterprotesters. Law enforcement arrested over 370 protesters across the country by Monday, according to National Police Chiefs’ Council leader Gavin Stephens.

Dig deeper: Read my report for more detail on last week’s stabbing.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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