Three girls killed in stabbing at British dance school | WORLD
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Three girls killed in stabbing at British dance school

Police at the scene of a stabbing in Southport, U.K., on Monday Associated Press/Photo by James Speakman/PA

Three girls killed in stabbing at British dance school

Police arrested a 17-year-old suspect in connection with the stabbing that killed three girls—ages 6, 7, and 9—at a dance school in Southport, England, just north of Liverpool. Eight other children were injured, and six are in critical condition, Merseyside Police Chief Constable Serena Kennedy said at a news conference. Two adults were also critically injured.

The attack occurred at about noon while the children were attending a sold-out Taylor Swift–themed event, authorities said. Enlighten Kids Yoga Club hosted the yoga, dance, and bracelet-making workshop at a venue on Hart Street from 10 a.m. to noon.

What’s the motive? The attacker’s motive remains unclear, Kennedy said. Although the investigation is in its early stages, authorities are not treating the attack as terror-related. King Charles III and Prime Minister Keir Starmer shared sympathies and condolences to all affected.

Dig deeper: Read Mary Muncy’s report on a triple stabbing in England last year.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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