U.S. missionaries killed in Haiti remembered with college… | WORLD
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U.S. missionaries killed in Haiti remembered with college scholarship

Davy and Natalie Lloyd Family image

U.S. missionaries killed in Haiti remembered with college scholarship

The Ozark Bible Institute & College announced the Davy & Natalie Lloyd Memorial Scholarship on Monday. OBI Alumni President Randy Snow said the scholarship is a response to the alumni’s desire to honor the American missionaries who were killed in Haiti. The families of the young couple decided a scholarship in their name was an appropriate way to remember them, Snow said. The public is invited to donate toward the scholarship.

What is the purpose of the scholarship? Davy and Natalie were both OBI graduates. The scholarship is an effort to encourage future generations to follow their example by devoting their lives to Christian missions, according to the school’s website. Davy was able to attend OBI because of a similar scholarship. Snow said he believes God will raise up more dedicated missionaries like the Lloyds.

Who were Davy and Natalie Lloyd? Davy Lloyd, 23, and Natalie Lloyd, 21, were serving at a mission in Haiti on May 23, when they were ambushed by gangs and shot to death. Jude Montis, 47, the director of the mission, was also killed. Well over 2,000 people turned out for their visitation services last week, according to the Rev. Timothy Laurito, the pastor of Bible Holiness Assembly of God church. Their funeral was held last Tuesday.

Dig deeper: Listen to Jean Marc Brissau, a staff attorney for the Notre Dame Law School Global Human Rights Clinic, explain the latest efforts to disrupt Haitian gangs on The WORLD and Everything in It podcast.

Travis K. Kircher

Travis is the associate breaking news editor for WORLD.

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