Tweeting the second presidential debate
As you watch tonight's second presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., follow the running commentary from WORLD Washington Bureau chief Edward Lee Pitts on Twitter (@WORLD_mag) and posted below (refresh this page to see the latest tweets):
Final debate thoughts: wasn't a knockout moment for Romeny like last wk. But no one expected that. He held his own and looked presidential.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
For Obama high point: acting like he wanted to be there this time. More engaged and aggressive on Romney's record as gov. Low pt: economy
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney highpoint was talking about the economy. Lowpoint: getting muddled on Libya. He got tag teamed on that by Candy and Obama.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Debate ends: early analysis seems to call this a draw. Both men were spirited. Each had their moments. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Obama: Romney a good man. Loves his family and cares about his faith. Then he hits Romnety on his 47 percent comment. #debate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney has good moment saying we dont have ot settle for what we are going thorugh. Lists unemployment, food stamps, gas prices. #debate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney: We have a responsilbilty to care for one another. mentions service to his Mormon church as pastor
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney: my passion probably flows from the fact that I believe in God. And I believe we are all children of the same God.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Rommney: Obama campaign trying to characterize me as someone who is very differant from who I am . I care 100 % about the Amer people
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney interjects: Government doesn't create jobs. Candy cuts him off. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Obama: "There are some jobs that are not going to come back." Don't know if voters want to hear that. He adds they are the low paying ones.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Obama: Has he mentioned Romney"S infamous 47 percent vide comments yet? Obama got slammed by his base for not using it in 1st debate.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney brings up "trickle down government" phrase that was a big hit in 1st debate. Seems to be most comfortable talking about biz and econ.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Obama has a four minute plus clock lead now. But Romney seems happy to move onto next topic of creating manufacturing jobs. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney uses the weapons topic to mention Operation Fast and Furious- the gun running program that led to death of border agent. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Moderator Candy is not getting as many questions from voters as she is asking her own. Lots of controversy/concern over this predebate.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Many conservatives already asking if Romney could've hit harder on Libya. This will prob. be debated by pundits after the debate. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Moderator Candy jumping in to help Obama out here with Libya audience applauds.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney: Questions why on the day following the killing of 4 Americans and we didn't know what happend, pres flies to Vegas for a fundraiser
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney: I think the pres correctly said that the buck stops at his desk re: Libya. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Obama obvious had a well-rehearsed, multi-point answer prepared for Libya- his danger spot- and is reeling it off now. Pivots to Bin Laden
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Here comes Libya. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney and Obama again get awfully close to one another while disagreeing. Do we need a moderator or a referee? #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Lingering on immigration reform now, but it seems like economy and jobs get short thrift. And the last debate is on foreign policy. #debate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney going after Obama's record over last four years while Obama is reaching back to Romney's record for a gov. term that ended in 2007
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney 25:08 on time and Obama 25:12 on time so far. But Obama is talking now. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Moderator quickly gets out of economy topic after that barrage by Romeny and gets a voter to ask about immigration. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Strong moment here for Romeny on economy- hits unemployment, the increase on welfare rolls, people dropping out of the workforce. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney: hits Obama on unfulfilled promises. Says Pres does not understand how to get the economy working again.#hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney: If you elect Obama you know what you are going to get. We just can't afford the next four years like the last four years. #debate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Obama: mentions George W in last question and then answers the next one by admitting that "a lot of us are" struggling.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
As Obama talks about tax cuts, Heritage Foundation sends alert that Obamacare hikes taxes on 600,000 people with incomes below the pov. line
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Obama: The middle class has been hit hard ... over the last decade. I want to continue tax cuts for MC and small biz. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney: middle class being buried- stealing a line from Biden. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
We move to taxes in #hofdebate. Romney says will I not have people on the high end paying less than they are now + middle income tax break.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney: you get your chance in a moment because I'm still speaking. Obama being more aggressive but Romney not backing down. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Obama: not true Gov. Romney. They are facing off with each other ignoring town hall. Romney pushes pres to answer a question.#hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
For the second debate in a row the topic turns to birds: Last week it was Big Bird. This week Romney talks birds and energy. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney: gas is expensive because of Obama's regulations. "That is not the right course for America." Promises energy indep. in 8 yrs#debates
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Obama: Romney has a 1 point plan. To make sure people at the top can play by different rules. #hofdebate
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney: we have fewer people working today than when Obama took office. We have not made the progress we need to put people back to work.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Romney on college: make it easier for kids to afford it and make sure there are jobs when they graduate. More debt and no jobs now, he says
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
82 uncommitted voters from the New York area are about to question the two candidates
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
This is the last debate to include the economy. Next week it is all foreign policy.
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Less than 30 mins until round two of the presidential debate face-off. Will Romney repeat his rd1 shellacking or will Obama rebound?
— WORLD Magazine (@WORLD_mag) October 17, 2012
Also, after the debate's conclusion, return to to take part in our online poll, where we'll ask which candidate you believe came out on top tonight.

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