TSA looking to expand facial recognition tech in airports | WORLD
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TSA looking to expand facial recognition tech in airports

Travelers walking towards a TSA screening area in November Associated Press/Photo by Julia Nikhinson, file

TSA looking to expand facial recognition tech in airports

The Transportation Security Administration has been using facial recognition technology to screen passengers in 16 airports across the country. But TSA now hopes to expand the program to airports nationwide as soon as next year. TSA says that the technology is intended to enhance security while speeding up the process of getting through airport security. Privacy advocates have said for years that facial recognition software could also infringe on passengers’ privacy.

What does this facial recognition stuff actually do? The program involves taking a live photo of an individual at a TSA checkpoint and comparing it to their ID (e.g. driver’s license or passport) photo. In its description of its proof of concept for the program, TSA said it deleted the information about passengers who participated in the program within 180 days.

Dig deeper: Read Elizabeth Russell’s report in WORLD Magazine about an app that allows both students and teachers to report suspicious behavior to the government.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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