Trump welcomes Macron to White House | WORLD
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Trump welcomes Macron to White House

Brigitte Macron (far left), French President Emmanuel Macron, U.S. President Donald Trump, and Melania Trump at the White House on Tuesday Associated Press/Photo by Carolyn Kaster

Trump welcomes Macron to White House

President Donald Trump formally welcomed French President Emmanuel Macron to the White House on Tuesday morning before a sit-down meeting between the two world leaders. At the ceremony on the White House South Lawn, where 500 military members participated in a “Review of the Troops,” Trump and Macron emphasized their countries’ friendly history. “America represents endless possibilities for my country,” Macron told Trump in front of reporters. The two are expected to discuss the Iran nuclear deal signed by the United States, France, and five other countries in 2015. Macron says he wants to keep it in place because there’s nothing better on the horizon, but Trump wants stronger controls on Iran. Trump and Macron do agree on one major point: military action to prevent Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from using chemical weapons on his own people. France took part in U.S.-led airstrikes on Syrian chemical sites two weeks ago. The first White House state dinner of Trump’s presidency will honor Macron on Tuesday night.

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.


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